Monday, October 22, 2007

Revamping My Blog

I have not been posting for the last few days, I was feeling terrible, and lost. I realize that my blog is not very focus, and needed some sorting out. So I decided to revamp this blog. I will be creating another blog to house my personal collection and leave this one to serve general posts. But due to the fact that my project is in moving into a new stage where my scope covers, it is going to take a while to complete the transfer, I only hope my time management skill would start working.


James Chia said...

Go for wordpress! I regret not starting with it!

BACTS said...

It is a good suggestion, I was thinking of it also, but then it is likely going to take up more time to learn and get use to it, and also more functions to remember, since I am still keeping this blog, I am worry I might mess up between the two blogs. Maybe I'll go read it up 1st. Thank you for your support, cheers. :)

James Chia said...

So far from what I have read, wordpress is good at web presentation and design but blogspot allows html/xml editing. So if you want more third party codes to be inserted into the blog, you would have to choose blogspot.

For a start, you can check up these useful websites:

James Chia said...

If you wanna create a 3-column blog:

BACTS said...

i am looking into creating another one with workpress, we'll see wats the outcome, quite different, need some time to explore it.